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Back Pain Management in primary care ML2103

This is an audio presentation delivered by an A&E consultant and discusses how to assess back pain, clinical decison-making tools ... Show more
Staffan Almer
  • Description
  • Curriculum

CPD Hours : 3


This session aims to develop your consultation skills in assessing patients who present

with back pain in primary care.


  • Develop skills in taking a structured history in a patient presenting with back pain
  • Recognise yellow flags and how to manage
  • Recognise red flags and able to safety net or refer appropriately.
  • Use a case study approach to explore current treatment options and differential diagnosis

 Who Should Attend

Pharmacists, advanced paramedics and nurses wishing to develop skills in clinical decision-making, identifying red flags and management of minor illness presentations in general practice, urgent care and walk in centres. A case study approach is used to explore differential diagnoses, and pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions including safety netting and worsening care advice.


It is recommended that participants have a minimum of 2 years post qualifying experience and reviewed the pre-course recommended videos on neurological examination.

Session includes

  • Work booklet
  • Audio presentation
  • Quiz

Lecturer: Dr Parmy Deol, A&E Consultant Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Recommended Courses

3 Day Clinical History Taking, Documentation and Examination Skills

Neurological Assessment Workshop

Back Pain webinar

Advanced Skills

Minor Illness

Minor Injuries