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Blood Result Interpretation Webinar 13 Jun 2024

The Blood Results Interpretation Webinar is designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals in primary care settings ... Show more
Staffan Almer
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Course title: Blood Results Interpretation Webinar Date: 13 June 2024 Time: 0900 – 1500hrs (GMT) Session type: ZOOM webinar CPD Accreditation: 8 CPD hours

Course Overview

The Blood Results Interpretation Webinar is designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals in primary care settings for interpreting common blood test results. As such, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of various laboratory parameters and their clinical significance. Moreover, the course will cover the interpretation of key blood tests commonly encountered in primary care, enabling participants to make informed decisions regarding patient management and treatment.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Interpret a wide range of blood test results commonly ordered in primary care.
  2. Understand the clinical significance of abnormal blood test findings.
  3. Identify potential underlying medical conditions based on blood test results.
  4. Recognise patterns and trends in blood test values for effective patient management.
  5. Apply evidence-based guidelines and best practices in the interpretation of blood results.
  6. Communicate effectively with patients regarding their blood test results and implications for their health.

Course Content

  1. Introduction to Blood Tests:
    • Purpose and significance of blood tests in primary care.
    • Overview of the laboratory testing process.
    • Key blood parameters and their clinical relevance.
  2. Complete Blood Count (CBC):
    • Interpretation of red blood cell indices (haemoglobin, haematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC).
    • Understanding white blood cell differential counts.
    • Platelet count and its significance.
  3. Renal Function Tests:
    • Interpreting serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).
    • Understanding blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels.
    • Assessing electrolyte imbalances (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate).
  4. Liver Function Tests:
    • Interpretation of liver enzymes (AST, ALT, ALP, GGT).
    • Evaluating bilirubin levels and liver synthetic function.
    • Understanding albumin and globulin levels.
  5. Lipid Profile:
    • Interpreting cholesterol levels (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides).
    • Understanding the significance of lipid ratios and cardiovascular risk assessment.
  6. Glucose and HbA1c:
    • Interpretation of fasting and random blood glucose levels.
    • Understanding HbA1c values for diabetes management and monitoring.
  7. Thyroid Function Tests:
    • Interpreting thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free T3, and free T4 levels.
    • Recognizing hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism patterns.
  8. Case Studies and Interactive Discussions:
    • Applying knowledge and skills through case-based scenarios.
    • Analysing complex blood test results and formulating appropriate management plans.
  9. Communicating with Patients:
    • Strategies for effectively communicating blood test results to patients.
    • Addressing patient concerns and providing appropriate explanations.
  10. Practical Tips and Resources:
    • Resources for staying up-to-date with reference ranges and guidelines.


“Very good interactive learning session. Very helpful information to aid my understanding when analysing blood test results.” “Very good session, a lot of information from the training has clarified a lot of our queries on bloods. Thank you very much!” “The speaker provided an excellent explanation of how the body’s blood cell works. I loved the first part of this update training. The speaker kept us fully engaged. ” “A very informative course, well delivered.”

Course Format

This session will be delivered through a combination of interactive live lectures, and  case discussions. Also, the participants will have access to course materials, including reference ranges, clinical guidelines, and handouts for future reference.

Target Audience:

  • General practitioners (GPs)
  • Paramedics
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Physician assistants
  • Pharmacists
  • Other healthcare professionals involved in primary care settings

Course Duration The duration of the course is one day webinar with a requirement to review the booklet prior to attending the session.

Other upcoming Blood Results Interpretation Webinars

This is a live webinar delivered via zoom. You will be sent the zoom link on completion of payment. Please call 0207 6928709 if you have any problems logging into the course.

This course focusses on bloods in general practice. We recommend you read through the booklet to familiarise yourself with basic terminology.

After the webinar, you have 3months access to the Elearning modules which includes a recording on interpreting bloods in diabetics and in patients on anti coagulants.