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Foundation Health and Social Care Course for HCA and HCSW's

This course is for those new to the healthcare assistance role and covers basic skills with competencies mapped against the ... Show more
2 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Announcement

Course Summary

  • This course is mapped against the “Skills for Care’- Care certificate standards and has been adapted for staff who are working in care settings or working in service users own homes.

Whats Included

  • Self directed online learning which includes a series of online audio presentations with an MCQ and booklet.
  • Competency workbook which  allows all delegates to record knowledge gained and assessments undertaken.  This book can then be taken into the workplace for employers to sign off once this knowledge has been demonstrated.

Duration: 6 months

Who should Attend

This session is for care workers, healthcare assistants, personal assistants, key workers, domiciliary care workers, care assistants and social care support workers:

  • Who are new to the workplace or new to care 
  • Existing staff requiring refresher training

Pre Requisites

  • Download the Care Certificate document and read through  the importance of the 15 standards against which to benchmark practice.


This course will prepare delegates with the knowledge and skills needed to work towards a role in as an assistant or care giver

Learning Objectives

  1. Develop knowledge of some of the 15 standards developed jointly by Skills for Care, Health Education England and Skills for Health.
  2. Recognise the importance of patient centred care.
  3. Develop skills in taking a blood pressure, blood glucose, urine dipstick and temperature.
  4.  Develop understanding of the ethical and legal issues that guide practice
  5. Understand the importance of infection control, communication and handling information
  6. Have an understanding of dementia and mental health disorders

Course Curriculum

Module 1 Working in Different Healthcare Settings

  • Understanding your role as a healthcare support worker or care giver
  • Duty of Care
  • Your personal development

Module 2 Ethical and Legal Issues

  • Mental Capacity Act
  • Consent and Capacity
  • Deprivation of Liberty
  • Dignity and Privacy

Module 3 Management of patients records and handling information

  • Information Governance
  • Handling Information
  • Documentation and Recordkeeping

Module 4 Communication 

  • Whistleblowing
  • Complaint Handling
  • Conflict Resolution

Module 5 Infection control and risk assessment

  • Infection control
  • Risk Assessment
  • Food hygiene, nutrition and fludis
  • Safe Handling and Administration of Medication

Module 6 Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability

Understanding the Teenage Brain
Taking mental health observations

Module 7 Safeguarding Adults and Children and Yourself 
Safeguarding Adults Level 3
Safeguarding Children Level 3
Managing Challenging Behaviour
Lone Working

Module 8 Vital signs and observations
Blood pressure monitoring
Heart rate and oxygen saturation
Taking a urine dipstick
Sepsis and News Scoring

Module 9 Long Term conditions
Hypertension and Heartfailure
Multiple Sclerosis
Learning Disabilities

Module 10
Competency document

How are you assessed

  • You are required to build a portfolio of evidence in the form of written statements and reflective accounts. You are required to have an assessor in your workplace to undertake observations of your work and sign off the competencies. However, this is kept by you and does not need to be submitted to us.
  • You must pass all the MCQ’s in each section in order to get a certificate. 

***It is recommended you identify a mentor to guide you and provide you with support to complete your skills competencies. We recommend you allocate at least 26 weeks to complete competencies under supervision of a mentor. You will have access to the course material for 6months so that you can complete it at your own pace.

You are encouraged to work through the Care Certificate workbook prior to attending this course.

Skills for Health workbook - guidance document
Competency Disclaimer : Must complete

You are required to also complete the online e-learning sessions and refer to the Skills for Care document. This course includes aspects of Care Certificate only.