Gynae and Menopause ML2111
Develop skills in history taking and triage of patients presenting with gynecological conditions in primary care settings.
Staffan Almer - Description
- Curriculum
CPD Hours: 3
Develop skills in history taking and triage of patients presenting with gynaecological conditions in primary care settings.
This session aims to develop your skills in :
- Develop a structured approach to history taking of patients with gynaecological presentations in
primary care. - Develop awareness of common gynaecological presentations
- Identify red flags and refer or manage appropriately
- Review of anatomy and physiology of the female pelvic organs
- Overview of common gynae disorders
- Structured history taking
- Overview of common gynaecological disorders including PCOS, PID, Endometriosis,
Adhesions, Gynaecological cancer. - Identification of red flags and emergencies
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