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Infection Prevention

To develop staff knowledge of current statutory obligations with regard to their infection control responsibilities and focusses mainly on staff working in general practice settings.
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Course Summary

Due to the immense difficulties encountered in meeting our statutory obligation to provide infection control training, this training session has been prepared to ensure that all staff are fully up-to-date with regard to their infection control responsibilities. It will also strengthen participants’ ability to protect themselves, their clients, and members of the surrounding community from infections.


This infection prevention course will develop your knowledge of current, statutory obligations with regard to their infection prevention responsibilities and focusses mainly on staff working in general practice settings.

Course Objectives

At the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • State their obligations and that of their employers with regard to infection prevention and control.
  • Develop knowledge and skills in standard infection prevention and control measures relevant to role including: Management and Care of Equipment, Personal protective Equipment (PPE), Management of Blood and Body Fluid Spillage, Management of Sharps and of environment.
  • Know how and where to obtain information about infection control in your organisation or clinical practice.
  • Understand the term healthcare associated infections.
  • Recognise the chain of infection and how this impacts infection prevention and control
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the routes of transmission of micro organisms.
  • Have a knowledge of the three levels of decontamination.
  • Understand the consequences of poor infection control practice.
  • State the actions to be taken in relation to the infection prevention requirements when conducting a risk assessment.
  • Identify the correct actions with regard to a range of different infection control situations.
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of different alert organisms and conditions that pose an infection risk and how to manage patients with specific alert organisms.
  • Apply appropriate health nd safety measures and standard precautions in infection prevention.

Target Population

All staff who may be involved in infection control in the course of their duties (everyone).


Current legislature and infection control

Chain of infection

Hand-washing and non-touch technique

Managing hazards and spills

CQC and infection control

Fire Safety and Fire Extinguishers

Lecturer: Freda Takavarashe, ANP and Lecturer. Infection Control lead

Recommended Courses

Mandatory Training *** This course can be accessed as a stand alone module or as part of the Mandatory training bundle.

Health and Safety Awareness Course

This course forms part of the Mandatory Training Bundle and can be accessed as a stand alone module.