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Introduction to General Practice GPN001

This Introduction to general practice course is for nurses, pharmacists and paramedics new to general practice and equips you ... Show more
Staffan Almer
2 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Announcement
practice nursing

Course Summary

This introduction to general practice course is for qualified healthcare professionals  who are new to general practice. The Introduction to General Practice module comprises of a range of modules to prepare you for general practice. A programme of  blended learning has been designed for nurses and allied healthcare professionals new to general practice and includes live webinars and self directed learning that can be accessed as recorded presentations delivered by experts in the field.

The introduction to general practice course includes 10 modules with learning units and encourages practice nurses to develop basic skills. It links to the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP, 2012) General Practice Nurse Competencies.

Course Aims

This introduction to general practice  course aims to equip you with the core knowledge and skills to work in general practice settings.

Course Objectives

Pre Requisites
  • Have a UK or overseas degree from a recognised institution or equivalent professional or other qualification.
  • Hold professional registration with the NMC, HCPC, GMC or Allied Health Professional Body or Council are encouraged to have an identified mentor in general practice to complete competencies.
  • Work-based learning is central to the course. This approach allows you to manage and actively shape your own learning in the workplace, with the support of nurse mentors and primary care workforce tutors.
  • Some of the modules require completion of the pre -requisite ELFH modules to be completed before the live zoom session

Whats Included?

  1. There are 10 modules which include :
    • Learning Units
    • Handouts
    • Recorded presentations
    • MCQs
  2. Competency document
  3. Live Webinars
  4. Free place on chronic Disease Update
  5. 6-months access to complete the course.

Modules include:

Introduction to Practice Nursing

Learning Unit 1: Consultation Skills and Documentation. Interviewing and record-keeping

Learning Unit 2: New patient checks

Learning Unit 3:SEPSIS and NEWS2

Lecturers: Jeshni Amblum Almer 

Ethical and Legal Issues

1. Mental Capacity Act

2. Information Governance

Learning Unit 1: Introduction to Asthma

1.     Introduction to Asthma in general practice

2.     Integrating templates and QOF

3.     Inhaler Technique

Ameet Gordhan, Clinical Pharmacist, Special interest Respiratory

Learning Unit 2 COPD

Overview of COPD

Learning Unit 3 : Introduction to Spirometry

Overview of Spirometry

HOOF and ordering oxygen in the community

Ioulia Mariaki, ARTP qualified respiratory specialist nurse and Emelia Kwakye -Sake

Learning unit 4: Cardiac Disease

 CVD templates and QOF in general practice

Learning Unit 5 : Introduction to Diabetes

1.     Diabetes for General Practice

2.     Diabetes and CVD. Foot checks and Eye screening

3.     Nutritional Advice and education. Overview of oral medication and insulin therapy.

Lecturer : Gill Dunn, Diabetes Specialist Nurse


Immunisations – ZOOM Courses

***Please see guidelines and dates as these are live zoom sessions and require completion of ELFH modules before you attend course.

1. Anaphylaxis

2. Introduction to Childhood Immunisations 

3. Foundation Travel Health Immunisations 

  1. Infection Control
  2. Chaperoning
  3. Assisting with medical procedures
  1. Wound Care and Dressings
  2. Burns
  3. Bites
  1. Updated QOF 2021/22
  2. Completing qof templates
  1. Mental Health Disorders in Adults

Lecturer: Dr Balu Pitchiah, Consultant Psychiatrist and Aneela Tehseen, Clinical Pharmacist

2. Mental Health Disorders in Children and Adolescents.

Lecturer: Dr Leah Brennan, Child Psychologist

Vulnerable Groups

1: Safeguarding Children Level 3

2: Safeguarding Adults Level 3

Kenny Gibson, Head of Safeguarding NHS England; 


You should be employed in a role that will support development of your clinical skills during the programme.

Work in a clinical environment such as general practice with a suitably qualified mentor to support achievement of competencies.

You need to identify your mentor before starting the source.


Introduction to General Practice Welcome
Module 4: Long-term conditions Update - Webinar -zoom
Module 5: Minor Surgery : Assisting with Minor procedures
Module 6 : Overview of Wound Care and Dressing

This course is a rolling programme over 6months.

Kindly take note of the following dates;

Chronic Disease Update 22 February 2023

Childhood Immunisation 22 March 2023