Mandatory Training for Doctors and AHPs SS0622DR
This mandatory training package for doctors and allied healthcare professionals is designed to meet your yearly mandatory training requirements.
Staffan Almer
- Description
- Curriculum
CSTF aligned: NHS Conflict Resolution
CSTF aligned:Equality and Diversity
CSTF aligned : Fire Safety
Your Healthcare Career Clinical/care Staff
CSTF aligned: Information Governance and GDPR
Counter Fraud
CSTF aligned: Safeguarding Adults at Risk Level 1 – 4
Documentation and Record-keeping
CSTF aligned : Health and Safety Risk Assessment
Handling Information
Dignity and Privacy
Manual handling and Moving people
Duty of care
Sepsis and NEWS2
Working in a Patient Centred Way
CSTF aligned: Radicalisation and Prevent
CSTF aligned: Safeguarding Children 3
First Aid and Burns Awareness
CSTF aligned: CPR and Basic Life Support
Lone Worker
Introduction (must read)
CSTF aligned: Infection Prevention and Control Level 1 and 2
Mental Capacity Act and DoL’s
Complaint Handling
Mental Health Dementia and Learning Disability Awareness
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Social Network