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Vaccinations and Immunisations for beginners

This foundation training in immunisations is for primary care staff who require foundation training. Includes a discussion on injection technique ... Show more
73 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Announcement
child vaccine


CPD Hours: 12

LECTURER: Kirsty Armstrong

It is a requirement of this course that you keep your camera on during the webinar and engage with the lecturer during the session. In the event that this is not done, the admin team reserve the right to remove non participating delegates from the course and no certificate will be issued.. Session access closes 15minutes after start time. 

Course Summary

This course is for healthcare professionals who are new to children vaccine programme. The course complies with the recommendations of the current UKHSA Standards for Immunisation Training and the Green Book information.

Who Should Attend?

 Healthcare Assistants, assistant practitioners and clinical assistants who have been delegated a role in immunisation and mentored by an appropriately trained registered healthcare professional 


  • Allocate 6hours for completion of the  online ELFH modules must be completed before the session and the mentor forms returned to [email protected] before the webinar. Not certificates issued until we receive completed and signed mentor forms.
  • Complete scenarios which will be given to delegates when the booking is made.
  • Quiz
  • Have an identified mentor or healthcare professional who is appropriately trained in immunisations, to guide you to complete course competencies.


This course aims to improve your knowledge and confidence in providing information and safe, effective childhood immunisations.


  • Develop knowledge and confidence in providing current information on childhood diseases and immunisation to parents/patients.
  • Have an awareness of the current guidelines and Department of Health’s recommendations on immunisations
  • Develop knowledge of   current issues and changes to the immunisation schedule .
  • Demonstrate safe, effective childhood immunisation care.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop knowledge and confidence in providing current information on vaccinations such as shingles and pneumococcal and injections including vitamin B12.
  • Have an awareness of the current guidelines and Department of Health’s recommendations on immunisations/vaccinations.
  • Develop knowledge of   current issues and changes to the immunisation schedule .
  • Demonstrate safe, effective injection technique.

Course Content

  • HCSWs and current issues in vaccinations. 
  • Recent epidemiology of relevant vaccine preventable diseases 
  • Current changes to the recommendations or national policy for relevant immunisations and legislature relevant to vaccination 
  • Review of current practice and identification of areas for improvement 
  • Review of injection practice including intramuscular, subcutaneous and intranasal routes of administration. Short webinar practical demonstration 
  • Trouble shooting and common pitfalls. 
  • Understanding the importance of providing accurate and up-to-date information about the relevant diseases and vaccines to patients 
  • Consulting a registered healthcare professional when further information or action is required for the patients needs 
  • Consider the requirement for reassessment of competency in administration of vaccines 
  • Review recognition and management of anaphylaxis, appropriate management of adverse reactions and the requirement to undertake mandatory training in basic life support 
  • Consider limitations of the HCSW role in immunisation and injections 
  • Vaccines that are commonly administered by HCSWs: 
  • • Inactivated injectable pneumococcal vaccine for adults 
  • • Inactivated injectable influenza vaccine for adults 
  • • Live intranasal influenza vaccine for children aged 2-17 years 
  • • Live injectable shingles vaccine for adults aged 70 and over according to 


Kirsty Armstrong, ANP Lecturer in Primary Care

Kirsty Armstrong ANP

This is a live webinar session using MS Teams. or ZOOM. It is a requirement that the pre requisites are completed and the mentor form returned to [email protected] before attending the course. Webinar link will be sent the day before the session.Session 10h00-16h00

  1. Please complete ELFH modules and email mentor form to [email protected]
  2. Attend live webinar
  3. Attend half day practical injection technique, and BLS, Anaphylaxis session.

Certificates issued on completion of all 3 aspects of the course.