Minor Illness Management On-Line Modules ML2303
- Description
- Curriculum
- Notice
Course Price is £300+VAT (VAT of £60.00 will be added at checkout)
CPD Hours : 30
Mode of Delivery: Self-Directed Online Course Course
This course is for healthcare practitioners and independent non medical prescribers working towards advanced roles seeing and treating adults in primary care and community settings including general practice and walk in pharmacies. A case study approach is used to explore differential diagnoses, and pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions including safety netting and worsening care advice. On completion you will develop confidence in assessing patients with a range of minor illness conditions of the respiratory, abdominal, gastrointestinal, dermatology, ENT, eye conditions, gynae, sexual health, contraception and mental health presentations in urgent care, general practice, walk in centres and community settings.
Pre Requisites
- Be a registered healthcare professional with a minimum of 2years post qualifying experience.
- Relevant workplace opportunities and organisational support with an identified mentor is encouraged to support completion of skills portfolio in clinical environment and improve competence. *** This is only for healthcare professionals new in the role with limited experience seeing and treating patients independently.
***Completion of this course does not award competence or the title of Advanced Practitioner. This is obtained with experience, mentorship and completion of relevant educational courses.
Who should attend
- Nurse Practitioners
- Independent prescribers
- Allied health professionals
- Pharmacists
- Paramedics
- Overseas doctors
- Physician Assistants
This course is for allied healthcare professionals, pharmacists, advanced paramedics and nurses, including oversees doctors, wishing to develop skills in clinical decision-making, identifying red flags and management of minor illness presentations in general practice, urgent care and walk-in centres.
There is an MCQ to be completed at the end of each learning unit.*Please contact the course director or speak to the relevant university if you wish to APeL this course into a Masters or Degree Advanced Practice programme.
Whats included?
1. Booklet for each learning unit.2. Audio recorded presentation by a specialist in the area.3. MCQ to be passed.4. Review zoom session recordings discussing MCQs and case studies.5. Access to the Minor Illness update.6. 6months access to material
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate knowledge of pathophysiology in management of minor illnesses.
- Critically consider ethical and legal issues that influence decision-making in seeing and treating minor ailments and working in independent roles.
- Reflect on risk management constraints when planning a safe discharge or referral to other agencies and members of the multidisciplinary team.
- Develop skills in ensuring clinical practice is evidence based through engagement with local organisation policy and current health strategy in primary care.
- Recognise importance of multi-professional working for effective and safe management of minor ailments.
Learning Units
- History Taking and Documentation. Jeshni Amblum-Almer, Senior Lecturer Primary Care
- Respiratory Disorders in primary Care : Respiratory Consultant
- ENT Disorders in Primary Care : Dr Sanjeev Kalia , GP
- Eye Disorders in Primary Care
- Headaches – Clinical Decision Making and Red flags: Dr Parmy Deol, A&E consultant and UCC Lead Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London
- Decision-making in Back Pain
- Dermatology for General Practice : Kirsty Armstrong, ANP Lecturer
- Gynae & Menopause : DR Hayley Jenkins, FSRSH General Practitioner
- Antimicrobial Stewardship : Aneela Tehseen, Senior Clinical Pharmacist
- Mental Health Disorders : Dr Balu Pitchiah, Consultant Psychiatrist
- Gastro Intestinal Disorders : Dr Hasan Nour, A&E Reg
- Contraception and Menopause: Dr Hayley Jenkins, FSRSH G
- 42Antimicrobial Guidelines
- 43Minor Illness Skills Portfolio
The Skills Portfolio is a practical document designed to support healthcare professionals in developing and demonstrating competencies in managing a range of minor illness presentations across various systems. This portfolio is intended to be completed under the guidance of a mentor in clinical practice, allowing delegates to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
This is an online course. You will receive login details to access your course. Do remember to look at the recordings discussing the case studies in your workbook.
Course Price is £300+VAT (VAT of £60.00 will be added at checkout)
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